Yellowstone/Bechler Extended Day Rides
Our ride begins at the Bechler Ranger Station in the southwest corner of Yellowstone National Park. We'll make a loop crossing Boundary Creek, the Bechler River and finally, the Fall River, all the while skirting the beautiful Bechler meadows. We'll picnic along the Bechler River, pass through quiet meadows, and end by riding a narrow trail where the sunlight slants through the lodge pole forest.
If there is time in the day, it's nice to detour and ride up the Bechler River to Colonade Falls. This is an amazing ride up the canyon, one I never tire of.
We'll return to the ranger station by way of the Bechler River Trail, crossing the Fall River at Rocky Ford. Our day trips into the Bechler start about mid-July through the end of September. This ride is fairly flat with lots of water crossings.
Minimum 4 riders for a Yellowstone day ride.
Dependng on snow, this ride begins mid-July through October.