3-Day Pack Trip

This trip begins at the Bechler Ranger Station in the southwest corner of Yellowstone National Park. After a few fun river crossings on Boundary Creek, we’ll find our campsite on the edge of the Bechler meadow.
It’s a quaint camp spot with a peaceful view of the horses grazing in the meadow. Fishing in the Bechler River is just a short walk from camp
Our day ride will take us 7 miles up the Bechler river to our destination - the hot pots at Three Rivers junction. After lunch, it’s just a half-mile walk for a nice hot soak. The ride home follows the same trail and arrives back at camp for a hardy dutch oven meal. A day you will never forget!

We’ll return to the ranger station by way of the Bechler River Trail, crossing at Rocky Ford. We’ll picnic along the Fall River, pass through quiet meadows, ride a narrow trail where the sunlight slants through the lodge pole forest.
We also offer day rides in Yellowstone. Click here for more information.