It’s rare for a summer to go by without at least one dusting of snow on the wildflowers. All across the valley vegetable gardens, carefully planted and attended, some even sang to (it’s true), are covered in sheets and old blankets, waiting for the clouds to lift, and sunshine. It’ll arrive; it always does, thankfully. Still, winter jackets are never tucked too far back in the closet. The coat rack at our house is heaped with jackets of all kinds, vests and rain slickers to match whatever weather the day brings. It’s always a good reminder, these summer blasts of snowfall. So, when you’re packing for a pack trip with us, remember to bring clothes you can layer to keep warm. Click on the link for a list of recommended clothing for when you ride with us on your next horse pack trips in Wyoming and Idaho.
The sun just started to shine. Snow is dripping off the eaves of the house, and the wildflowers are happily dancing in the breeze.
I’ll leave you with a quote from the poet Ralph Waldo Emerson:
“Earth laughs in flowers”
(Don’t forget your long johns!)