Yellowstone Wilderness on Horseback
In case you wondered if we over-wintered in the Yellowstone wilderness, we’re toasty at home watching the snow fall, dreaming about the hot pool we found on the 3rd day of the trip.
In case you wondered if we over-wintered in the Yellowstone wilderness, we’re toasty at home watching the snow fall, dreaming about the hot pool we found on the 3rd day of the trip.
After a fun and full season of horseback riding in Grand Teton Park and Yellowstone Park, Kevin and I are off on our own R & R cross country ride all our own, setting out with two saddle horses and two pack horses.
It’s been a busy summer of horseback riding in the Grand Tetons, from fabulous sunny days with clear views of crags and peaks, and lush candy-colored wildflower meadows, to three days of thunder showers. You can’t have sunshine every day, but when it rains there is something magical about riding in the clouds, and above the clouds.
The tip of the Grand Teton is peeking out behind the mountains above North Leigh Canyon. The male Western Tanager is one of my favorite birds with its bright red head and yellow body. Their song is similar to a Robin song. Have a listen on the National Audubon website.
Tucked in behind the steep east side of Green Mountain is Green Lake, another of our favorite Grand Teton horseback riding trails. The trail leading to this high mountain lake begins on a densely vegetated slope, where snowberry and serviceberry are just beginning to bloom. Later in summer huckleberries will be ripe for picking.
It’s rare for a summer to go by without at least one dusting of snow on the wildflowers. All across the valley vegetable gardens, carefully planted and attended, some even sang to (it’s true), are covered in sheets and old blankets, waiting for the clouds to lift, and sunshine.
A lot of work goes into getting ready for the summer riding season. One of the most important tasks is to make sure all the tack: saddles, blankets, bridles, breast collars, and saddle bags are clean and ready for riding.
We all have spring fever here at Dry Ridge Outfitters! Springbeauties are blooming as fast as the snow melts, the horses are fattening on green grass, and Kevin and I are itching to saddle up for a ride into the backcountry.
Mountain bluebirds, sandhill cranes, and the birth of new foals are sure signs of spring in the Tetons. The brilliant blue mountain bluebirds are flying fencepost to fencepost, and sandhill cranes are walking in the fields around the barn. Click on the link to learn more about these elegant birds and listen to their unique bugling call.